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Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers

The podcast feed from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Authors with new books. Experts on editing, marketing, agent queries, managing your writing career. Traditional publishing. Independent publishing. All aspects of writing fiction. 

May 29, 2016

This time on the podcast we welcome back RMFW Writer of the Year Susan Spann, author of the forthcoming The Ninja’s Daughter.

Susan is giving a master class at Colorado Gold in September and she’s here this time to give us a sneak peek of that class, Writing a Killer Mystery.

Susan talks about the key elements every...

May 22, 2016


The first in a series of conversations with key presenters who are coming to Colorado Gold, RMFW’s big annual three-day writing conference, in September.

This time the guest is Stuart Horwitz, who is leading a master class on Friday, Sept. 9 and that workshop follows the approach in his new book, Finish Your Book in...

May 11, 2016

Registration for Colorado Gold, RMFW's big three-day conference in September, is now open and this podcast provides a thorough preview from conference chair Corinne O’Flynn.

There are several new features to the conference this year including “Hook Your Book” sessions, new options on the master class schedule, an...

May 5, 2016

This podcast is about getting involved.

Specifically, it's an interview with former RMFW Writer of the Year Linda Hull and her journey of getting involved in both Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and Mystery Writers of America.

Last week in New York, Linda was one of the co-presenters at the Edgar Awards for the best...