Apr 24, 2016
Aimie K. Runyan's first novel, Promised to the Crown, launches this week. The novel is set in 17th Century France and New France, a.k.a. Canada.
The idea for the book started for Runyan in third grade when she took an instant interest in the French language and soon, an even deeper interest in everything to do with France.
Her interest in France stayed with her through high school and college and it was while working on her Master's thesis on the women who helped found French Canada that she won a generous grant from the Quebec government to study onsite for three months, enabling the detailed research necessary for work on her novel.
On the podcast, Runyan offers tips for guarding your writing time and how she fit work on the novel around raising two small children. She also talks about how she found her agent following a session of Pitch Wars on Twitter and the steps to finding her publisher.
The podcast includes Aimie reads the opening few minutes of Promised to the Crown.
Aimie K. Runyan
Kensington Books
Intro music by Moby Gratis
Outro music by Dan-o-Songs