Jan 29, 2017
One reviewer said David Atkinson’s novel Apocalypse All The Time combines absurdism, science fiction and sly commentary and offers something reminiscent of Orwell, Kafka and Swift.
This time on the podcast, David Atkinson discusses his latest work and talks about his writing process, including his eclectic approach to reading – some 200 to 300 books a year.
He also talks about he blends work as a patent attorney with his writing life.
In addition to Apocalypse All The Time, David Atkinson is also the author of Not Quite so Stories, The Garden of Good and Evil Pancakes, and Bones Buried in the Dirt. He is a Staff Reader for Digging Through The Fat and his writing appears in "Bartleby Snopes," "Literary Orphans," "Atticus Review," and others.
David Atkinson's website
Intro music by Moby Gratis
Outro music by Dan-o-Songs