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Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers

The podcast feed from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Authors with new books. Experts on editing, marketing, agent queries, managing your writing career. Traditional publishing. Independent publishing. All aspects of writing fiction. 

Nov 14, 2024

Elizabeth Devecchi spent her formative years in Rhode Island, setting out after high school to travel and gather degrees. She writes in a variety of genres and styles, but lately has focused on horror. Her debut horror novel, A Whisper in the Dark, was released by Wicked House Publishing in October, 2024.

Other recent releases include: “Oh, Brother,” found in Volume II of Black Spot Books’s annual women in horror poetry showcase, Under Her Eye (November 2023); a recipe accompanied by a flash fiction story in Nightmare Fueled Inc’s anthology Cooks of Horror (August 2024); and horror poem “In the Belly of the Mills,” which appears in the anthology Monsters in the Mills, launched at NecromoniCon in Providence, RI (August 2024).

Upcoming releases include: “A Corporate Family,” a tech-gone-wrong horror short which will appear in Rabid Otter Horror’s anthology Error Code this November; short horror story “Open House,” to appear in a Running Wild Press anthology in 2025; and debut thriller/suspense novel, A Twist of the Lens, to be published by Wicked House Publishing in 2025.

Elizabeth is a member of the Horror Writer’s Association, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Castle Rock Writers, and the Italian American Writers Association. She currently resides in Parker, Colorado with her husband, children, and an ever-changing menagerie of pets and “guest creatures.” 

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Intro Music by Moby Gratis:

Outro Music by Dan-o-Songs:

Host Mark Stevens