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Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers

The podcast feed from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Authors with new books. Experts on editing, marketing, agent queries, managing your writing career. Traditional publishing. Independent publishing. All aspects of writing fiction. 

Feb 11, 2022

A fan of all things fantastical and frightening, Shannon Lawrence writes primarily horror and fantasy. Her stories can be found in over forty anthologies and magazines, and her three solo horror short story collections and her nonfiction title, The Business of Short Stories, are available now. You can also find her as a co-host of the podcast Mysteries, Monsters, & Mayhem. When she's not writing, she's hiking through the wilds of Colorado and photographing her magnificent surroundings, where, coincidentally, there's always a place to hide a body or birth a monster. 

More about Shannon:

For video versions of these podcasts, visit The Rocky Mountain Writer on YouTube:

Intro Music by Moby Gratis:

Outro Music by Dan-o-Songs: