Jan 24, 2024
Linda Keir is the pen name of Linda Joffe Hull and Keir Graff. Their previous titles include The Swing of Things, The Three Mrs. Wrights, and Drowning with Others. Independently, they have published over a dozen novels. You can find them on X @LindaeJH and @KeirGraff. Their latest collaboration, due out on January 30...
Jan 11, 2024
Kerrie Faye is a Gen X wife and mom who found her passion to write later in life. A graduate of Murray State University, she has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Raised in Western Kentucky, where her debut novel, DEAD GIRL, takes place, the author currently resides near the Rocky Mountain Flatirons in...
Jan 5, 2024
Travis Tougaw is a writer and editor. He has degrees in English from Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas, and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. An Air Force Veteran, Travis has worked in a variety of roles, including English teacher, employee educator, and health care administrator. He lives in Denver with...