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Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers

The podcast feed from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Authors with new books. Experts on editing, marketing, agent queries, managing your writing career. Traditional publishing. Independent publishing. All aspects of writing fiction. 

Nov 17, 2017

Are you comfortable writing short stories? Have you thought about it, but don’t know how or where to begin?

Saytchyn Maddux-Creech is here to help.

Saytchyn is teaching a 15-day online class called, Write An Amazing Short Story in Two Weeks. The course is being offered online through RMFW-U beginning Dec. 2.

On the podcast, Saytchyn gives a sneak peek at her approach to writing short stories—she’s published about 20—and touches on some of the key ideas she’ll cover in the course. Even if you only have a "crumb" of an idea, she says, you should try the course and give it a go.

Saytchyn Maddux-Creech survived the MFA program at Colorado State University with her love of all things creepy intact. She writes horror, fantasy, and mystery with a literary accent. Her short stories have been published in numerous literary and genre magazines under her own name and the name Sandra Maddux-Creech. You can find her most recent work in Petrichor Machine, Typehouse Literary Review, and Menacing Hedge, as well as in the award-winning RMFW anthology, Found.

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Outro music by Dan-o-Songs